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A member registered Mar 04, 2021

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Hvala!! I'll do my best!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!! <333

sm planirala še prevajat druge igre od enakega avtorja, torii to je ful fajn motivacija zame sdsgd 

O moj bogggg jessss!!!! slovenci!!!!

It's no prob! 💖💗💘💕 It was fun to translate! 💕💓❤️💘

Yes! I am @maimiamoo on twitter!

Hi there! Could I translate this game into slovene?

Hey, I just wanted to ask! Will there ever be Vincent the secret of Myers and Therapy with Dr Albert Krueger merch?

No prob!

Idk bout zodiac signs, but I have checked personality database and Taylor's ISTP while Albert's ENTP!

Oh, that's fine, I get what you mean!

Will there ever be vincent the secret of myers fan translations?

That's fine! You do your own thing!

Ah I see! Once you get it figured out, I can send you my discord/other social media we can continue w the translation on!

Sgdhsjjdj dr Voldritcj is so babiy I jus wanna hug himm and tell him hes prettyyy sdsd <33

I really really enjoyed both of these games!!! The characters, the visuals, the options/endings are sooo *mwahh* and the interactions between Voldritch n you n other characters are very entertaining! 

I played this game w my bro n sis apnd we all felt bad when we went thru the bad end thoo, poor babi doesn't deserve thiss ;-((

Also, I wanted to ask whether or not you were accepting translations, cuz I'm totally willing to translate both of the games to slovene! <3

Heyoo!! I reallyy love your game and have been obsessed with it and Vincent: Secret Of Myers for about 2 months now! Albert Krueger is best boii <33

Anyway,I would love to translate it to slovene, since I'm a native and slovene translations are super rare sdfgs

I'm also willing to translate Secret of Myers, but that would take way longer than therapy, so I'd rather start with this one!